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Environmental Engineering Consulting

• Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

• Phase II Environmental Investigations

• Site Characterization

• Remediation Design and Implementation

• Soil, Water and Air Sampling and Characterization

• Environmental Compliance Assessments

• Environmental Permits: Air, Water and Land

• Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans


Engineering Consulting

• Engineering and Planning

• Chemical Process Engineering

• Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

• Safe Chemical Handling

• Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)

• Remediation Planning and execution

• Wastewater Treatment Systems Design

• Regulatory Compliance: Residential, Commercial, Industrial

• Air Pollution Control

• SubSlab Depressurization System


• Mechanical Treatment Systems Design

• Chemical Oxidant Treatment

• Industrial Pretreatment

• Design of Subsurface discharge systems

• Design of wastewater treatment system

• Design of water drainage systems

• Environmental Permits:

  • State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES)

  • Long Island Well Permit

  • Dewatering Permits

  • DEP Permits


• Stormwater Permit - NYCDEP

• GP for Construction Activities - NYSDEC

• Multi Sector General Permits (MS-GP)


© 2017 by AMC Engineering, PLLC

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